The 'Bling Ring' Conventions
The Bling Ring is teen drama following the lives of 5 teen characters. It is considered as teen drama as the movie has teenagers based a the main characters for the movie. The plot for the movie is about how five teenagers are able to break into celebrites house and steal their belongs. To add to this exaggerate story The Bling Ring was actually a adaption from a real life story.
The Bling Ring deals with the following convention such as celebrity lifestyle/culture as well as greed, showing the audience how the infulence of these things has dominated the teens way of thinking, leadimg them to extreme extents to steal and break into someone's house. Another convention is relationship/friendship, as the five teens in the movie all have a friendship together. Their friendship is based off their greed and all wanting to live a luxurious lifestyle like the celebrities they look up to. We know this because from the movie we see that as the ring leader 'Rebecca' and 'Mark' begins to become adventurous with their mission they also allow more people to join them, and these 'friends' of theirs all share the interest of wanting money, designer fashion and living a celebrity lifestyle.
But with friendship/relationship being part of the conventions there's also peer pressure. Peer pressure is very common in teen dramas as we see at least one of the characters feeling the need to do certain things to allow themselves to feel part of the group. From the movie the character 'Mark' indicates this convention as he stated in the movie that it was because of 'Rebecca' that he carried on doing what he was doing. The other conventions involve crimes, partying, drug abuse and alcohol. All of these things show that what the teens doing in the movie and come play a big role as all five of them are doing something that breaks the law.
The setting and location convention for The Bling Ring is a constant reminder to the audience that that the movie is a teen movie, this is because if the scenes showing their high school but also their family home and bedroom.The high school indicates that the characters are still young teenagers, their family home tells us that this is a place of security for them. Especially as these scene are normally with their families and with each other.
The convention 'clique' represents a group of friends, so in this case the it would be the group of friends in the movie. In the movie is shows us how one of the main characters 'Marc' was able to be part of the clique of the movie. The character he played was the 'outcast' as he didn't feel like he fit in anything, he wasn't confident or happy but when joining a clique he was able to gain some satisfaction with himself. This convention is very common in teenage movies as movie such a high school musical and mean girls all focuses on the convention 'cliques'.
The music is used as a representation of the character lifestyle. With uses of genres such as hip hop and dance music, normally showing a relation to money, violence, drugs this is represented through the characters in The Bling Ring.
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