Wednesday, 29 January 2014

After effects | sound/music

 Sound/Music to be used in opening
Finding copy right free music on soundcloud one of the various scources we used to find music we needed.  

This website is were i found the grime music to represent the main character.

In order to find the correct music and copy right free music we had to use the comulitive search engine in order to be sure that the music we were getting was legal, while making the opning scene we used arious rap/hip hop songs to represent the modern teenagerin that kind of situation.
Evidence of using using the creative comms serch engine in order to find he music we needed, had to highlight the 2 tick boxes under the "Enter your search quary" to be 100% sue all teresults found were able to be used for comercial uses and also to be legaly addapted and eddited.

Songs to be played in the background, the music which is used to represent the type of person he is, and also to show that he is a relatible character.

This is more omminous music which can be used to represent the dream world so you can make a clear distinction when and when he is not dreaming.
Ths song is key because it is softer of the 2 songs that will play in the background.

This is a sound effect we will use for the door opening during his dream, this is a very scary creaking noise tat could be used to represent the climatic ending before the camer cuts off and disolves into the titles and idents.

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